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Donate Blood

American Red Cross

With each pint of donated blood, the donor can help save the lives of as many as three critically ill or injured people. The American Red Cross Blood Services counts on the generosity of volunteer blood donors to help assure a safe and adequate blood supply is on hand.

The Lewis and Clark blood services region serves Idaho, Utah, Montana, southwestern Wyoming, eastern Oregon, and southern Nevada. To learn more about blood donation or to find a donation center near you, visit our web site at

ARUP Blood Services – Donate for Life!

Your local, independent blood center proudly serving:

  • Idaho Regional Hemophilia Center

ARUP needs 100 whole blood donors a day and 20 platelet donors a day. Join the “Blood Donors for Babies” club, or find out other ways you can save lives by donating platelets or hosting a blood drive at your church, school, business, or community organization. Call (801) 584-5272 or visit our web site at