To learn more information or to express an interest in kidney donation, please contact one of the following transplant centers:
University of Utah Transplant Center
Contact by phone (801) 581-2634
Visit their website: University of Utah
Intermountain Medical Center Transplant Services
Contact by phone (801) 507-3380.
Visit their website: Intermountain Medical Center
Oregon Health and Science University
Contact by phone (503) 494-8500
Visit their website: Oregon Health and Science University
Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital
Visit their website: Legacy Health
- Good Samaritan Living Kidney Donation – Good Samaritan donors are living donors who do not know the recipient, but make their donation purely out of selfless motives. This type of donation is also referred to as anonymous or non-directed donation. Recipients are those at the top of the local wait list.
- Paired Kidney Donation – A paired donation consists of two donors who are incompatible with their intended recipients. The two recipients swap donors so that each can receive a compatible kidney. Once the evaluations of all donors and recipients are completed, the two donations and transplants are scheduled simultaneously. Click here for a Youtube video with an example of paired kidney exchange and an explanation of how it works.
- Kidney List Donation – Kidney list donation can result when a live donor is incompatible with the intended recipient and donates to the wait list. In return, the intended recipient advances on the wait list, receiving a kidney much more quickly.