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Join the 1,453,217 of those registered to be organ, eye and tissue donors!

Memorial Pictures

If you have attended our 5K event in the past, you have probably noticed signs along the course route with pictures of organ, eye, and tissue donors and of transplant recipients. These signs are a visual reminder of the importance of donation and the many lives that are affected. If you would like to honor a loved one or celebrate the gift of life with a memorial picture on the event course, please follow the steps below. The cost of the sign is $20. If you have a team of 20 or more people registered for the Gift of Life Walk/Run, DonorConnect will cover the cost of the sign for you. The deadline for ordering a sign is August 23, 2021.

  • Step 1 – Complete and submit the appropriate release form.
    • If you are the person pictured on the sign, click here.
    • If you the next of kin, submitting a picture of someone who has passed away, click here.
    • If you are the legal guardian, submitting a picture of a minor, click here.
  • Step 2 – Email the picture you would like displayed on the sign to Please include what you would like written on the sign. See the pictures below for examples. It must be brief and something along the lines of:
    • Mary. Mom, Friend, Scuba diver. Donor Hero, Saved 3 Lives. OR
    • Bob. Husband, grandfather, avid golfer, Grateful Liver Transplant Recipient.
  • Step 3 – Submit payment via PayPal, or rally your family and friends to join your team. A large team not only gets DonorConnect to cover the cost of your sign, but it also makes for a fun day.

We look forward to seeing you at the Gift of Life Walk/Run this year.

These are some of the memorial pictures you will see along the course route. Some celebrate the second chance at life that was made possible through organ, eye, and tissue donation. Others honor those who chose to be a hero and saved lives.